My Ideal Customer:

My Ideal Customer is a great cook who is fun loving, outgoing and enjoys the company of friends and family. Good conversations, plenty of laughs and delicious food and drinks are all on the menu. At their home, lunch engagements never end as food and drinks are ever flowing. No invitation is needed as their home is an open door, whether it’s to refuel the body or to let off steam.

They believe they can change the world together over a great meal and strongly believe in humanity and that everyone has their own unique gift worthy of sharing. With life being so short and unpredictable, living, laughing and loving are important attributes to experience and share.

There are so many less fortunate people in the world who need nothing more than a kind word, a smile, someone to talk to or a meal. If only we can find a way to encourage those who have abundance to look out for the less fortunate, together we can change the world. My ideal Client believes this and shares whenever the opportunity arises, because bringing people together to share in a beautifully created ambience, helps them to recognize that they are indeed the CHANGE that’s needed in this world.


Market Definition:

Eating At Auntie’s Products is for anyone who loves to cook and entertain who recognize that getting that delicious food finished efficiently allows them more time having laughs with their guests.


Brand Promise:

Eating at Auntie’s provides excellent quality and well-priced cooking implements, serving apparatus and other conversational pieces which help set that warm ambience and allows the host to efficiently complete and present that 5-star meal, allowing plenty of time to mingle with their guest.


Reason To Believe:

We love to cook and treat all our family and friends to the best of what we have and they absolutely love it. We pride ourselves in our self-taught cooking skills and our guests always enquire of our recipes and methods. Oftentimes they arrive early so that they can learn a thing or two from the cook. We always ensure we use good quality implements and serving dishes so that our home cooked meals look and taste 5-star! When good food is excellently presented, you are guaranteed to be the first port of call when your guests are looking for that homely, fun time and togetherness.

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